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Motorcycle rental in Viet nam

ID tin: 4560698
Cập nhật: 14/08/2017, lúc 01:24 -

Viet nam motorcycle rental is The motorbike station.
You can pick up your motorbike in Hồ chí minh, Đà nẵng, Hà nội, Huế, Hội an, Quảng bình... and you can also drop off it at any place there you want.
The motorbike station can offer you a motorbike with full essentails for your trip such as Tent, Hammock, Sleeping pag... so cheap.
Website: Themotorbikestation.com
Email: themotorbikestation@gmail.com
Phone: (+84)909 998 643 or (+84)922 771 171
Adress: 196/41 Trần Cao Vân, Đà nẵng, Việt nam.
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